Lectures | المحاضرات
Duration | المدة
Format | طريقة الدراسة
Languages | اللغة
Why choose The TEFL BY AU & ACISC?
Build the Skills to Get Job Ready
Whether you’re looking to start a new career, or change your current one, Professional Certificates on Coursera help you become job ready. Learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever it’s most convenient for you. Enroll today and explore a new career path with a 7 day free trial. You can pause your learning or end your subscription at any time.
Hands-On Projects
Apply your skills with hands-on projects and build a portfolio that showcases your job readiness to potential employers. You’ll need to successfully finish the project(s) to earn your Certificate.
Earn a Career Credential
When you complete all of the courses in the program, you’ll earn a Certificate to share with your professional network as well as unlock access to career support resources to help you kickstart your new career. Many Professional Certificates have hiring partners that recognize the Professional Certificate credential and others can help prepare you for a certification exam. You can find more information on individual Professional Certificate pages where it applies.
TESOL | Teaching English to speakers of other languages
The online 250-hour TESOL Diploma program was designed for trainees who need to take a TESOL certification course at their own pace in order to meet other work or study commitments. The minimum time necessary to complete this course is 2 months. The maximum time given to complete this course is 8 months.
In order to be eligible for TESOL accredited by The American University | Higher Education Foundation in Washington D.C , a candidate must meet ALL the following requirements:
- 250-hour TESOL Diploma course by The Accrediting Council of International Schools of Colleges – ACISC.
50-hour Practicum. - University degree and TOEFL iBT ( Overall 101 with a minimum of 23 in Listening, 24 in Reading, 27 in Speaking and 27 in Writing).
لمزيد من المعلومات أو لحجز مكان يمكنك الإتصال بقسم القبول والتسجيل على الرقم 201013011112+ أو التحدث إلى أحد موظفي خدمة العملاء.
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Program Learning Outcomes :
- This course has been evaluated and accredited by two separate, The Accrediting Council of International Schools and Colleges The USA-based Accreditation for TESOL Distance Education Courses and TESL .
- Upon successful completion of all exams, tasks, and assignments, you will receive a 250-hour TESOL Diploma and a transcript with your marks awarded by The American University of Higher Education.
- ACISC® is the only accrediting organization that offers courses equivalent to CELTA. All our programs are advanced and lesson planning is at the core of our curriculum. Get professional training and learn to teach English using the Communicative Language Teaching method! All our courses include professional tutor support and free job assistance.
Respected Worldwide
Our 250-hour online TESOL course provides you with a comprehensive introduction to the world of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Upon completion of this part of the 250-hour course you should have developed a good working knowledge of the English grammar system, as well as a variety of useful skills and techniques that will help you to deliver interesting and well constructed lessons in the classroom.
Upon successfully completing the full 250-hour Certificate in Teaching English to speakers of other languages with Online Specialization, course graduates should be able to discuss and evaluate the process of teaching English Online using industry standard terminology, have real-world ideas for creating individual lessons that are tailored to the student’s requirements, while also having clear ideas on how to execute the lessons to a wide spectrum of target online individuals or groups. They should also be able to locate and create suitable materials for teaching English Online and develop assessment procedures.
Diploma Course Assessment
Your understanding of the course will be continuously assessed as you work through the modules. After you have studied each individual module you will complete a multiple choice test that covers the information from that section. Your answers for each module test will be automatically marked and the results displayed on a bar chart. This assessment procedure will apply to all eleven of the course modules. To finish the course you will need to submit a research thesis as outlined in the summative task.
TESOL Diploma Course aims
The online TESOL Diploma Course is designed to give you a clearer understanding of your role as an EFL teacher and covers a wide variety of subjects, from material design to different learning theories.
As you progress through the course you should find that you gradually improve your general research skills and your overall writing ability. You should also develop several other transferable skills that you will find useful both in and out of the classroom.
Program Modules
Through a series of engaging metaphors and stories, prospective and current EFL/ESL teachers will identify, summarize, and evaluate 7 basic language learning paradigms. Learners will be presented information on such foundational principles as motivation, risk taking, two different modes of learning, and balancing the teacher profession. Learners are also given an understanding of basic techniques founded on those principles, such as teacher talk, looking “ridiculous” in order to lower the affective filter, and networking. With these foundational principles in mind, ESL/EFL teachers will scrutinize common assumptions about language learning by comparing how they stack up to research-based core principles.
In this course learners are introduced to second or foreign language theories and practices for teaching and assessing listening, speaking, and pronunciation. Learners will also be introduced to basic studies in second language acquisition and their pedagogical implications. Teachers will be invited to recognize the importance of grounding their own teaching philosophy through an examination of purpose, content, and technique.
Learners will be introduced to designing lesson plans based on principles and knowledge of learning objectives, assessment plans, methods, materials, and learning activities. Learners will find and prepare appropriate teaching materials through careful analysis, adaptation and creation of professional resources. Learners will also reflect on the cohesion between lesson design and teaching philosophies.
In the final Capstone Project, you will apply the skills you learned by observing teachers at work (a total of six hours of observation). You will build on the concepts learned from the previous courses to analyze the lessons. You will also submit your teaching philosophy, a five-day lesson plan, and a teaching tip. You will deliver a portion of your lesson, submitting a 6-10 minute video for peer review. If you have completed Teach English Now! Part 1 and Teach English Now! Part 2, you will submit your work for expert review to receive your ASU 150-hour TESOL Certificate from ASU, in addition to your Coursera certificates.
In this course, you will learn ideas for teaching reading and writing courses, and how to include grammar instruction within them. Learn how to help students with differing types of reading problems and how to implement both intensive and extensive reading strategies. Learn strategies to engage students in the stages of writing–pre-writing, writing, and post-writing. Find out about different writing problems that students may encounter. Incorporate grammar through the use of noticing and input enhancement.
In this course, you will be introduced to some of the challenges of teaching and learning listening and speaking, such as paralinguistics, performance variables, reduced and regional forms, and differing types of oral discourse. Don’t worry–you’ll learn what those mean, too! Then you’ll learn how to ease the acquisition of listening and speaking for your students. The course also highlights the powerful opportunity to include pronunciation in listening and speaking classes and offers strategies to incorporate pronunciation activities.
This course focuses on the key concepts you need in order to effectively integrate technology into your teaching, without letting it overshadow language learning. Discover current and future trends in educational technology, along with strategies for implementing these trends in the classroom and beyond. As technology is continually evolving, learn how to keep up on current technological applications through professional development networks and training opportunities.
In the final Capstone Project, you will apply the skills you learned by doing practice teaching. You will build on your assignments from the previous courses to refine your lesson plans and video-tape yourself presenting the lesson. You will submit a total of ten videos. If you have completed Teach English Now! Part 1 and Teach English Now! Part 2, you will submit your work for expert review to receive your ASU 150-hour TESOL Certificate from ASU, in addition to your Coursera certificates.
Upon successful completion of the eleven course modules and the summative task, you will receive your online TESOL Diploma certificate.
This Program is accredited By
the american university, WASHINGTON D.C