ITC | International Teaching Certificate
شهادة التدريس الدولية

Nexus American Academy® 1999 : 2025
مؤسسة تعليمية دولية مستقلة – ترخيص رقم  6154 

عضو الرابطة الدولية للتعليم المستمر والتدريب

ITC | International Teaching Certificate | شهادة التدريس الدولية

EGP 21,220

تقييم الدارسين في هذا البرنامج

2,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5 (2,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5)
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This course focuses on improving English language abilities of teachers and administrators and on teaching English as a modern foreign language. This course is especially designed for teachers and administrative staff whose confidence in English language is not great and who have not had much training in English. You will develop your productive and receptive skills in English, boost your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

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SKU: 91528436013935

Why choose The Accredited TOT By The American University | Washington D.C ?

مدرب ومحاضر معتمد

الدبلومة تعد الدارسين ليصبحوا محاضرين ومدربين معتمدين دوليا من الجامعة الأمريكية بواشنطن 

الأكثر إعتمادا

الدبلومة معتمدة من الجامعة الأمريكية بواشنطن بالتعاون مع الرابطة الدولية للتعليم المستمر والتدريب ومجلس اعتماد الكليات والمدراس الدولية

فرص وظيفية أكثر

متطلب أساسي للعمل في مجال التدريس والتدريب لدى المؤسسات التعليمية الدولية والجامعات المتخصصة في التعليم المستمر

ITC | International Teaching Certificate

  1. Meet the demand for qualified teachers in high need certification areas by allowing program recruits to serve as teacher of record
  2. Recruit teachers to staff schools in high need Local Education Agencies (LEAs)
  3.  Increase the number of qualified candidates from groups that are underrepresented
  4.  Provide rigorous, high quality preparation through an expedited track to certification
  5.  Provide a pathway for professionals in other fields to transition into a career in teaching

لمزيد من المعلومات أو لحجز مكان يمكنك الإتصال بقسم القبول والتسجيل على  الرقم 201110044644+  و التحدث إلى أحد موظفي خدمة العملاء.

تقييم الدارسين في هذا البرنامج

2,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 52,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5 (2,451,195 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5)
You need to be a registered member to rate this.

Program Learning Outcomes :

  • Enhance skills to use various innovative teaching methods and techniques that are learner-centred, encourage solving of meaningful real-world tasks and develop transversal competencies.
  • Boost skills in using open and digital resources, support development of digital skills and media literacy, increase capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernization using ITC.
  • Generate ready‐to‐use materials and ideas to support school or organisational development in the field of innovative education with regards to interdisciplinary and holistic approach.
  • Gain techniques for working with heterogeneous classrooms, support inclusion of various minorities into mainstream education based on democratic values, promote active participation in society.
  • Develop relevant, high-level skills such as creativity, critical thinking, metacognition and other key competences through innovative teaching methods, enhance good quality of mainstream education.
  • Learn to motivate, guide and effectively assess to reduce low achievement in basic competences, promote peer exchange and active participation within the education.
  • Revise and develop personal and professional competences, build confidence in promoting innovative and active pedagogies that are responsive to social and cultural diversity.
  • Meet colleagues of different nationalities within the EU, engage in cross-cultural learning experience, exchange ideas and build a network for future international cooperation.
  • Gain broader understanding of practices, policies and systems of education of different countries, cultivate mutual respect, intercultural awareness and embed common educational and training values.
  • Enrich communication skills, improve foreign language competencies, broaden professional vocabulary and promote EU’s broad linguistic diversity.

Teaching Internationally with ITC® Certificate

Interested in teaching anywhere in the world? With a Bachelor’s degree and a desire to make a difference, ITC® can help you achieve your dream. International schools frequently seek individuals certified through AICSC Accreditation education program such as ours.

What is the level of education required to become a certified teacher?

The path to becoming a certified teacher requires the completion of an undergraduate degree or higher qualification, and generally involves two different academic routes: concurrent or consecutive. The completion of either one of these types of teacher training programs brings a teacher to the same desired result: accreditation by the licensing body corresponding to the requirements of their local area.

Consecutive Teacher Education Programs

Consecutive Programs would suit those individuals with an interest in teaching who have already earned an undergraduate, Master’s, or PGCE (Post-graduate Certificate in Education). Consecutive students take a teaching course that bridges the conceptual gap between their acquired knowledge of a specific discipline of proficiency, and the skills necessary to be able to convey that information successfully in a teaching environment.

What Makes ITC Different?

ITC, also known as The International Teacher Certificate  Certification of Teacher Excellence (ITCE), offers a flexible, affordable path to earn your teaching certificate. You can complete our self-paced program online without quitting your job or taking additional college courses.

Candidates complete the ITC program at their own pace. On average, candidates take 8-10 months to complete the program.

Concurrent Teacher Education Programs

Concurrent programs are suited to high school or first year post-secondary students who plan on becoming a teacher. Typically five years in length, graduates will receive a Bachelor’s degree in their chosen major, along with a Bachelor's in Education (B.Ed) specialized to a specific teaching area (for example, biology). Once completed, teachers will receive accreditation from the licensing body appropriate to their state, province, or region.

Program Modules

Program Content | محتوى البرنامج

Module 01 – Theoretical module – 21st Century Skills

Module 02 – Critical and creative thinking, how can it be developed?

Module 03 – Inquiry Based Learning, Task Based Learning

Module 04 – Gamifying the classroom

Module 05 – Using online applications it the classroom

Module 06 – Blended Learning – Flipped Classroom

Module 07 – Adapting teaching materials to suit the needs of differentiated classes

Module 08 – Metacognition – teaching students to learn

Module 09 – ITC as a tool for development of creativity and critical thinking – Digital Storytelling

Module 10 – Modern trends in Formative assessment

Module 11 – Peer Education

This Program is accredited By

the american university, WASHINGTON D.C

البرنامج معتمد دوليا من الجامعة الأمريكية بواشنطن وبالتعاون مع مجلس اعتماد الكليات والمدراس الدولية
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