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كلية التعليم المستمر

School of Continuing Education

البكالوريوس التطبيقي في التمريض

Bachelor of Nursing

Nexus American Academy® 1999 : 2025
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  • الجامعة الأمريكية بواشنطن


60 Credit Hour | ساعة


2 Lectures Per Week | محاضرة
bachelor of nursing  | البكالوريوس التطبيقي في التمريض

مخرجات تعلم البرنامج

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN), the graduate will have the following competencies and be able to:

Integrate knowledge, skills and values from the liberal arts, sciences, humanities and nursing theories to provide holistic, competent and safe care for individuals, families and communities within a multicultural society.
Utilize the nursing process (assess, diagnose, plan, implement, evaluate) as a framework in caring for individuals, families, communities and populations across the health care continuum in diverse settings.
Appraise and synthesize evidence-based practice guidelines and research findings to improve patient outcomes.
Demonstrate effective therapeutic and inter-professional communication in the provision of high-quality safe nursing care.
Use health informatics and patient care technology in the management of patient care.
Collaborate with other healthcare professionals by working dependently, independently and interdependently to deliver patient-centered care to individuals, families, and communities.
Implement effective leadership and management skills including motivating employees and self-mentoring, conflict management, introducing change, decision-making and delegation responsibilities.
Demonstrate accountability and responsibility for life-long learning and professional skills.
Employ ethical principles, legislations, and regulations related to nursing practice globally.

Course #TitleCr Hrs.Prerequisites
0503251Physical Assessment40500160; Co: 0503253
0501257General Microbiology30500150
0503253Pathophysiology30202121; 0500160
0503252Advanced Communication3 
0503260Fundamentals of Nursing50503251
0503263Health Education and Health Promotion3 
0503262Clinical Pharmacology30503253
0503261Psychosocial Aspects in Health Professions3 
0503350Adult Health Nursing (1)3

0503260; 0503262;

Co: 0503351

0503351Adult Health Nursing (1)/Practicum40503260; Co: 0503350
0503352Maternity and Newborn Health Nursing3

0503260; 0503262;

Co: 0503353

0503353Maternity and Newborn Health Nursing/Practicum20503260; Co: 0503352
0503364Adult Health Nursing (2)3

0503350; 0503351

Co: 0503361

0503361Adult Health Nursing (2)/Practicum5


Co: 05003364

0503362Pediatric Health Nursing3

0503350; 0503351

Co: 0503363

0503363Pediatric Health Nursing/Practicum2

0503350; 0503351

Co: 0503362

0504362Epidemiology and Population Health30504252
0503454Critical Care Nursing3


Co: 0503451

0503451Critical Care Nursing/Practicum5

0503364; 0503363

Co: 0503454

0503452Family and Community Health Nursing3

0503263; 0503362;

Co: 0503453

0503453Family and Community Health Nursing/Practicum20503363; Co: 0503452
0503460Mental Health Nursing3

0503261; 0503252;

Co: 0503461

0503461Mental Health Nursing/Practicum20503252; Co: 0503460
0503462Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Professions3 
0504260Leadership and Management in Health Professions2 


Consolidation of Nursing Practice


0503351; 0503364;

0503352; 0503362;

0503453; 0503461

0503468  Research Project30500450

The updated study plan starting the fall 2016-2017 is as follows:

Level 1.1 (16 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCr Hrs.Prerequisite
0201102Arabic Language3 
0202121English for Medical Sciences3 
0500161Introduction to Health Sciences2 
1426155General Chemistry for Health Sciences4 
Level 1.2 (17 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCr Hrs.Prerequisite
0104100Islamic Culture3 
0500160Human Anatomy and Physiology40500150
1411100Introduction to Information Technology3 
1430107General Physics for Health Sciences4 
 University Elective (1)3 
Level 2.1 (16 Credits)  
Course #Course TitleCr Hrs.Prerequisite
0501257General Microbiology30500150
0503251Physical Assessment40500160
0503252Advanced Communication3 
0503253Pathophysiology30500160 + 0202121
0503250University Elective (2)3 
Level 2.2 (17 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCr Hrs.Prerequisite
0503260Fundamentals of Nursing50503251
0503261Psychosocial Aspects in Health Professions3 
0503262Clinical Pharmacology30503253
0503263Health Education and Health Promotion3 
Level 3.1 (18 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCr Hrs.Prerequisite
0503350Adult Health Nursing (1)30503260 + 0503262
0503351Adult Health Nursing Practicum (1)40503260
0503352Maternity and Newborn Health Nursing30503260 + 0503262
0503353Maternity and Newborn Health Nursing / Practicum20503260
 University Elective (3)3 
Level 3.2 (19 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCr Hrs.Prerequisite
0503361Adult Health Nursing / Practicum (2)50503350 + 0503351
0504362Epidemiology and Population Health30504252
0503362Pediatric Health Nursing30503350 + 0503351
0503363Pediatric Health Nursing / Practicum20503350 + 0503351
0503364Adult Health Nursing (2)30503350 + 0503351
 University Elective (4)3 
Level 4.1 (16 Credits)  
Course #Course TitleCr Hrs.Prerequisite
0500450Introduction to Research30504252
0503451Critical Care Nursing / Practicum50503364 + 0503361
0503452Family and Community Health Nursing30503263 + 0503362
0503453Family and Community Health Nursing / Practicum20503363
0503454Critical Care Nursing30503364 + 0503361
Level 4.2 (18 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCr Hrs.Prerequisite
0504260Leadership and Management in Health Professions2 
0503460Mental Health Nursing30503261 + 0503252
0503461Mental Health Nursing / Practicum20503252
0503462Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Professions3 
0503468Research Project30500450
0503463Consolidation of Nursing Practice5

0503350,0503352, 0503362,0503364

0503453, 0503454

Courses offered by the department of nursing are designated (0503ABC) where ABC represents the year, term and sequence as described in the College Section.

Core Courses

The basic program in nursing includes core courses only. Descriptions of these courses are given below.

​0503251  Physical Assessment    (3-3-0:4)

 Prerequisite: 0500160  Human Anatomy and Physiology. Co-requisite: 0503253  Pathophysiology

This course is designed to help students learn and apply principles and skills used in the comprehensive health assessment of individual adults. History taking and physical examination techniques are presented through lectures, seminars, self-instruction modules, audiovisuals and supervised laboratory practice.

​0503350 Adult Health Nursing (1)    (3-0-0:3)

 Prerequisites: 0503260 – Fundamentals of Nursing and 0503262 – Clinical Pharmacology. Co-requisite: 0503351 – Adult Health Nursing (1)/Practicum.

This course examines the actual and/or potential physiological alterations and psychosocial impact on adult/elderly patients.  Concepts of illness, illness prevention, health promotion, and rehabilitation are presented in the context of a healing and caring nursing practice. Assessment strategies, diagnostic procedures, and pharmacological principles are integrated into the nursing process using problem-based learning approach.

​0503252 Advanced Communication (3-0-0:3)

 Prerequisite: None.

In this course, the learner, as a health care professional, studies and understands the role and functions of group process with emphasis on the interpersonal relationships and advanced therapeutic communication techniques, conflict resolution and transcultural communication. This course also addresses communication skills relevant to the assessment of individuals and families.

​0503260 Fundamentals of Nursing  (3-6-0:5)

 Prerequisite: 0503251 – Physical Assessment.

The course is designed to teach students basic clinical skills to prepare them for the clinical setting. The course includes basic nursing skills such as vital signs, personal hygiene, nutrition, elimination, body mechanics, and patient safety. Students are required to demonstrate the skills in the clinical skills laboratory.

​0503352 Maternity and Newborn Nursing (3-0-0:3)

 Prerequisite: 0503260 – Fundamentals of Nursing and 0503262 – Clinical Pharmacology. Co-requisite: 0503353 Maternity & Newborn Nursing/ Practicum.

This course introduces the students to the physiological and psychosocial aspects of women’s health throughout the childbearing age. The healthcare needs of the mother, newborn, and family constitutes the major emphasis of this course. Using the problem-based learning approach, the management of normal and high-risk conditions in the pre-natal, labor and delivery, and postpartum stages is explored.

​0503353  Maternity and Newborn Nursing/Practicum  (0-0-6:2)

 Prerequisite: 0503260 – Fundamentals of Nursing. Co-requisite: 0503352 – Maternity and Newborn Nursing.

This course introduces students to the care of pregnant women during antenatal, labor, delivery, and postnatal period. The course enables students to use the nursing process as a framework to assess mothers and newborns, identify actual and potential nursing diagnoses, plan for and implement goal-directed nursing interventions, and critically evaluate the plan’s effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on acquisition of skills relevant to the course expected outcomes and competencies.

​0503364  Adult Health Nursing (2) (3-0-0:3)

 Prerequisite: 0503350 – Adult Health Nursing (1) and 0503351 – Adult Health Nursing (1)/Practicum. Co-requisite: 0503361 – Adult Health Nursing (2)/Practicum.

This course is a continuation of Adult Health Nursing I (0503350). The course focuses on the emergent needs of adult/elderly patients with co-morbidities, acute and chronic health conditions. Using a holistic nursing care approach, disease management and health promotion strategies are incorporated in the care of adult/elderly patients. Assessment strategies, diagnostic procedures, and pharmacological principles are integrated into the nursing process using problem-based learning approach.

​0503361  Adult Health Nursing (2)/Practicum (0-0-15:5)

 Prerequisite: 0503350 – Adult Health Nursing (1) and 0503351 – Adult Health Nursing (1)/Practicum. Co-requisite: 0503364 – Adult Health Nursing (2).

This course complements 0503364 – Adult Health Nursing (2). The course integrates the holistic care modalities in planning and implementing nursing interventions to meet the healthcare needs of adult/elderly patients in special units. Essential competencies including clinical judgment, teamwork, professional behaviors, therapeutic communication and utilization of the nursing process as a framework for nursing practice are emphasized throughout the course in supervised clinical settings.

​0503362 Pediatric Health Nursing  (3-0-0:3)

 Prerequisites: 0503350 – Adult Health Nursing (1) and 0503351 – Adult Health Nursing (1)/Practicum. Co requisites: 0503364 – Adult Health Nursing (2) and 0503363 – Pediatric Health Nursing/Practicum.

This course focuses on the essentials of nursing management of children with developmental, psychological, environmental and health-related problems. The course introduces students to growth and development, health promotion, and disease prevention as relevant to children. The nursing process, along with problem-finding/solving, and peer persuasion strategies are utilized to analyze selected clinical case studies.

​0503363 Pediatric Health Nursing/Practicum (0-0-6:2)

 Prerequisites: 0503350 – Adult Health Nursing (1) and 0503351 – Adult Health Nursing (1)/Practicum. Co requisite: 0503362 – Pediatric Health Nursing.

This course provides the opportunity for application of the nursing concepts pertinent to children and their families as they deal with common acute and chronic health problems. The course focuses on the application of the nursing process to assess children, identify actual and potential nursing diagnoses, plan for and implement goal-directed nursing interventions, and evaluate the plan’s effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on acquisition of skills relevant to the theoretical component of this course in supervised clinical settings.

​0503454 Critical Care Nursing (3-0-0:3)

 Prerequisite: 0503364 – Adult Health Nursing (2) and 0503361 – Adult Health Nursing (2). Co requisite: 0503451 – Critical Care Nursing/Practicum.

This course introduces students to the care of patients with life-threatening conditions. The course focuses on the integration of knowledge and skills required to provide holistic and safe nursing care to critically ill adults/elderly patients in critical care settings. The course includes an introduction to critical care nursing with physical assessment skills, diagnostic procedures, pharmacological interventions, and nutritional measures integrated throughout the content areas. The emphasis is on critical thinking and nursing process as a framework for practice.

​0503452 Family and Community Health Nursing (3-0-0: 3)

 Prerequisite: 0503263 – Health Education and Health Promotion and 0503362 – Pediatric Health Nursing. Co requisite: 0503453 – Family and Community Health Nursing/Practicum.

The course introduces the scope of family and community health nursing including the essentials of family dynamics, family life cycle, developmental tasks, family and community assessment, and factors that influence family health. This course enables the students to assess physical, social and cultural environments, identify population at risk, implement and evaluate appropriate primary health care nursing interventions in partnership with community and health agencies. Health promotion and disease prevention concepts are integrated in the course content through problem-based learning approach.


​0503453 Family and Community Health Nursing/Practicum  (0-0-6:2)

 Prerequisite: 0503362 – Pediatric Health Nursing. Co requisite: 05053452 – Family and Community Health Nursing.

The course applies basic principles of community health care in the care of family and community in supervised community healthcare settings. The course focuses on essential topics pertinent to primary health care, schools, industries, Maternal Child Health Centers, and other community resources.

​0503460 Mental Health Nursing  (3-0-0:3)

 Prerequisite: 0503252 – Advanced Communication. Co requisite: 0503461 – Mental Health Nursing/Practicum.

This course presents basic information on psychiatric mental health. It also explores the nature and scope of mental health and illness, treatment and preventive measures. Students will have the opportunity to master these concepts through concurrent clinical rotations. This course of study will build upon the eight threads or competencies: Critical Thinking, Technical Skills, Therapeutic Communication, Leadership/Management, Time Management/Organization, Professional Behavior, Caring, and Utilizing the Nursing Process. The content of the course is delivered through selected clinical cases in a problem-based format.

​0503461 Mental Health Nursing/Practicum (0-0-6:2)

 Prerequisite: 0503252 – Advanced Communication. Co requisite: 0503460 – Mental Health Nursing.

This course provides the opportunity for nursing practice in the community and in acute and chronic health care institutions with an emphasis on maintenance and restoration of mental health. Students are provided the opportunity to work with individuals and families experiencing stress responses, maladaptive and severe behavioral disorders.

​0503463 Consolidation of Nursing Practice  (0-0-15:5)

Prerequisites: 0503350 – Adult Health Nursing (1); 0503364 – Adult Health Nursing (2); 0503352 – Maternity and Newborn Health Nursing; 0503362 – Pediatric Health Nursing; 0503453 – Family and Community Health; and 0503454 – Critical Care Nursing. Co requisites: 0503460 – Mental Health Nursing and 0503461 – Mental Health Nursing/Practicum.

The clinical course allows students to consolidate their knowledge and skills in desired/selected clinical settings.  Students are supervised by clinical preceptors from the service in areas such as medical, surgical, pediatrics, maternity, and critical care. Students are expected to work independently through preceptorship model.

​0503468 Research Project (3-0-0:3)

 Prerequisite: 0500450 – Introduction to Research.

This course provides students the opportunity to apply knowledge of the research process to the investigation of health-related research questions. Students will work with their research advisors to finalize the development of a scientifically sound and feasible research proposal with emphasis on the study design, data collection tools, forms, and procedures. In addition, students will conduct the research project, enter and analyze data, write a research report, and present the findings of their research study. Emphasis is placed on steps of the research process including: literature review, study design, sampling; data collection, and analysis, interpretations and dissemination of research findings.

RN-BSN Program

This program is designed to meet the needs of nurses who wish to build on their previous education and experience. Completion of the program will expand the options available to them within the nursing career. Students in this program may study on full-time or part-time basis. The study plan is developed for full-time students. Students studying on part-time basis should plan their course of study in consultation with their department advisor. The three clinical practicum courses could be done in the students’ own work place with prior agreement between the two institutions. Students are given advanced credit hours for their nursing diploma program and must then complete a total of 72 credit hours distributed as follows:

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