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bachelor of health services management | البكالوريوس التطبيقي  في إدارة الخدمات الصحية

رسالة البرنامج

تحرص رسالة برنامج البكالوريوس التطبيقي في إدارة الخدمات الصحية في تزويد الطلاب بمجموعة من المهارات والكفاءات التي تعدهم لتلبية متطلبات قطاع الرعاية الصحية.


أهداف البرنامج

  • اكتساب معارف ومهارات جديدة تتيح تقييم ومراجعة أنظمة تقديم الرعاية الصحية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
  • تزويد الطلاب بالمعرفة والمهارات اللازمة لتطوير أنظمة السجلات الصحية الواسعة.
  • إعداد الطلاب لتطبيق المبادئ القانونية والسياسات واللوائح والمعايير للإشراف على الموارد البشرية في نظام تقديم الرعاية الصحية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
  • إعداد الطلاب لتطوير قدرتهم على تطبيق مبادئ إدارة القيادة في مجال الرعاية الصحية المتعلقة بالتخطيط والتنظيم والتوظيف والتأثير والتحكم.
  • إعداد الطلاب لبناء وتطبيق التقنيات التحليلية وحل المشكلات الأساسية في ممارسات إدارة خدمات الرعاية الصحية.
  • إعداد الطلاب لإظهار مهارات التواصل الشخصي مع أخصائيي الرعاية الصحية والعملاء والجمهور في مجتمع الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
bachelor of health services management | البكالوريوس التطبيقي  في إدارة الخدمات الصحية

مخرجات تعلم البرنامج

  • فهم وإظهار الوعي والقدرة على التكيف للتنوع الاجتماعي والثقافي في بيئة الرعاية الصحية والخدمات البشرية المتغيرة باستمرار.
  • إجراء عمليات الإدارة المالية ومهارات الإدارة التنظيمية لحل المشاكل المتعلقة بمستوى الإدارة بفعالية على مختلف المستويات في عمليات الرعاية الصحية.
  • فهم وإظهار الكفاءة اللازمة لتطبيق الوظائف والمفاهيم والمبادئ على مستوى الإدارة في قطاع الرعاية الصحية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
  • الاستفادة من تقنيات المعلومات الصحية المختلفة للوصول إلى المعلومات وإدارتها في مؤسسات الرعاية الصحية والمؤسسات.
  • تقييم النظريات والنهج للمشاكل المعقدة على مستوى الإدارة في مختلف مؤسسات الرعاية الصحية .
  • إظهار مهارات الإدارة المطلوبة في أماكن العمل اليوم ومهارات الاتصال الشخصية في الممارسة اليومية مع أصحاب المصلحة الداخليين والخارجيين
  • تحليل وتفسير العوامل الكمية والنوعية المشاركة في إدارة تقديم الرعاية الصحية والنتائج
  • التعرف على تأثير التفاعل بين قضايا السياسة العامة والرعاية الصحية وخدمات صحة الإنسان.
  • تقييم وتطوير البيانات التنظيمية لتخطيط نتائج فعالة استراتيجيا والقضايا التكتيكية والتشغيلية في إدارة الرعاية الصحية.

The allocation of the credit hours is shown in the following table.

B Sc. In Health Services Administration (134 Credit Hours) ​ ​ ​ ​
Mandatory Credits152480119
Elective Credits90615
Course #Course NameCr.HrsPrerequisites
0301210Accounting (1)3
0504250Introduction to Health Services Administration3
0504251Computer Applications for Healthcare Managers31411100
0302111Business Communication3
0504260Leadership and Management in Health Professions2
0504261Health Economics30504250
0504262Management in Primary Healthcare30504250
0504263Introduction to Management Information Systems for Health Services Administration31411100
0302231Financial Management3
0504350Healthcare Terminology and Classifications30504250
0504351Hospital Management30504250
0504352Healthcare Delivery Systems30504250
0504353Materials Management30504261
0506352Occupational Health and Safely3
0302315Introduction to Management Science3
0504362Epidemiology and Population Health30504252
0504360Health Information systems30504350
0504361Human Resources Management in Health Organization30504351
0504450Planning in Health Services30504351
0504451Quality Management in Healthcare3
0504452Seminars in Health Services Administration3Co: 0504453
0504453Orientation to Health Service Organizations30504361; Co: Seminars
0503462Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Professional3
0504460Practicum in Health Services Administration70504453
0504461Marketing in Health Services30504450
0504462Research Project20500450

Electives requirements

The student is allowed to choose two elective courses from the list given in the table below.

 Course #Course NameCrHrsPrerequisites
0301130Personal Finance3
0301150Introduction to Economics3
0211321Professional, Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science3
0503263Health Education and Health Promotion3
0506250Introduction to Environmental Health3​0500160

The study plan for the HSA program requires the completion of 134 credit hours distributed over eight semesters that may be normally completed in four years as follows.

Level 1,1 (17 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCr.HrsPrerequisite
0201102Arabic Languages3 
0202121English for Medical Sciences3 
0500161Introduction to the Health Sciences2 
1426105General Chemistry  for HS4 
Level 1,2 (17 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCr.HrsPrerequisite
0104100Islamic Culture3 
1411100Introduction to Information Technology3 
0500160Human Anatomy and Physiology4 
1430111General Physics for HS4 
 University Elective Requirements E (1)3 
Level 2.1 (18 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCr. HrsPrerequisite
0301210Accounting (1)3 
0504250Introduction to Health Services Administration3 
0504251Computer Applications for Healthcare Managers3 
 Department Elective3 
 University Elective3 
Level 2,2 (18 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCrHrsPrerequisite
0302111Business Communication3 
0504260Leadership and Management in Health Professions2 
0504261Health Economics3 
0504262Management in Primary Healthcare3 
0504263Introduction to Management Information Systems for Health Ser- vice Administration3 
 University Elective3 
Level 3.1 (18 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCrHrsPrerequisite
0302231Financial Management3 
0504350Healthcare Terminology and Classifications3 
0504351Hospital Management3 
0504352Healthcare Delivery Systems3 
0504353Materials Management3 
0506352Occupational Health and Safely3 
Level 3.2 (18 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCrHrsPrerequisite
0302315Introduction to Management Science3 
0504362Epidemiology and Population Health3 
0504360Health Information system3 
0504361Human Resources Management in Health Organization3 
 Department Elective3 
 University Elective3 
Level 4.1 (18 Credits) 
Course #Course TitleCrHrsPrerequisite
0500450Introduction to Research3 
0504450Planning in Health Services3 
0504451Quality Management in Healthcare3 
0504452Seminars in Health Services Administrations3 
0504453Orientation to Health Service Organizations3 
 University Elective3 
Level 4.2 (15 Credits)  
Course #Course TitleCrHrsPrerequisite
0503462Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Professions3 
0504460Practicum in Health Services Administration7 
0504461Marketing in Health3 
0504462Research Project2 

Courses offered by the HSA program start with (0504ABC) where ABC represents the year, term and sequence as described in the College Section.

Core Courses

Descriptions of the core courses are given below:

0504251Computer Applications for Healthcare Managers3-0-:3
Prerequisite: 1411100 – Introduction to IT (English).
This course is designed to give students a basic understanding of the fundamental systems and applications of information technology as it applies to healthcare executives and managers. The course will show managers how to use the power of computer technology to increase their productivity. Focus will be on computer applications that managers will need to enhance their performance. Prerequisite: 1411100 – Introduction to IT (English).
0504261Health Economics3-0-0:3
Prerequisite: 0504250 – Introduction to Health Services Administration.The course provides students with an understanding of the major economic forces and issues involved in the health care system that are of relevance for health care administrators. This course examines the health care industry, sup- ply and demand for health services, production of health, relationship between health and health care, health insurance, government programs, supply and demand for physicians, nurses, drugs, and technology, hospitals, and the role of insurance, government, professional groups, and for-profit and not-for-profit providers in health care markets. Topics include the supply and demand for health services, markets for health professionals, health insurance, health care costs, cost Inflation, uniqueness of health care, and health care markets. Prerequisite: 0504250 – Introduction to Health Services Administration.
0504262Management in Primary Healthcare3-0-0:3
Prerequisite: 0504250 – Introduction to Health Services Administration.
The student examines the different activities performed at the primary healthcare level, team composition, and basic elements offered by all ministries of health. The course also enables students to better plan, develop, manage and evaluate program, promote health and prevent disease. Prerequisite: 0504250 – Introduction to Health Services Administration.
Introduction to Management Information Systems for Health Services 

Prerequisite: 1411100 – Introduction to IT.

The course provides coverage of Management Information Systems and Information Technology. It provides a foundation on how to use, understand and manage Information Technology, their architecture and to support business operations and objectives and improve managerial decision making. mis/courses/index.htm

Management Information Systems (MIS) Courses. Prerequisite: 1411100 – Introduction to IT. 

0504350Healthcare Terminology and Classifications(3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: 0504250 – Introduction to Health Services Administration.
The course introduces students to the structure and components of medical terms: prefixes, suffixes and word roots and how to break down a medical term by simply knowing the meaning of its components. In addition the course introduces students to the structure and use of health care terminologies, classifications, and coding schemes, with special emphasis on International Classification of Diseases (ICD), Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS), Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC), Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), NANDA’s Nursing Diagnoses, Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC), Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), National Drug Code (NDC), Common Dental Terminology (CDT), Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) and other relevant terminologies and classifications. Prerequisite: 0504250 – Introduction to Health Services Administration.
0504351Hospital Management(3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: 0504250 – Introduction to Health Services Administration.
This course introduces the student to the complex organization of hospitals and to the internal operations, processes, roles, management techniques, information needs and technology utilization in the different components of hospital system. The integration of functions and information of different departments to achieve effectiveness and efficiency is discussed. Prerequisite: 0504250 – Introduction to Health Services Administration.
0504352Health Care Delivery Systems(3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: 0504250 – Introduction to Health Services Administration.
The course covers the system’s approach in health; the resources that comprise the health care system and how they operate. The sociological, historical and organizational factors that influence the development of the health care system as well as the international models of health care systems. Prerequisite: 0504250 – Introduction to Health Services Administration.
0504353Materials Management(3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: 0504261 – Health Economics.
The course covers the major principles of materials management and organization in healthcare facilities. It will detail the analysis of the basic materials functions such as inventory control, purchasing, storing, and receiving supplies and equipment, with major emphasis on the efficient and economical planning, procuring, scheduling and handling of materials in healthcare facilities. Prerequisite: 0504261 – Health Economics.
0504360 Health Information Systems(3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: 0504350 – Healthcare Terminology and Classifications.
This course covers information systems in various departments in healthcare organizations. It aims to provide computational skills and basic statistics required by health professionals. The course presents legal aspects of health in- formation and the usage of information technology in health information system. Prerequisite: 0504350 – Healthcare Terminology and Classifications.
0504361Human Resources Management in Health Organization(3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: 0504351 – Hospital Management.
This course is emphasizing the concept of human resources in health care settings. It aims to improve the skills and knowledge of students in different aspects of human resources management in health sectors. It will introduce the students to the challenges facing human resources in health such as, cost of health care, increased demanding, shortage and surpluses and increasing dissatisfaction within the health care sectors. It focuses on the major managerial aspects such as recruitment procedures and the performance appraisal of different categories providing health care in the health facilities. Prerequisite: 0504351 – Hospital Management.
0504450Planning in Health Services(3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: 0504351Hospital Management.
The course portrays the application of planning theory to health concerns. It allows the student to examine concepts and techniques in planning for health care services. Decision areas covered need assessment, market
segmentation, service strategy development, communication, organizational design and evaluation. Prerequisite: 0504351- Hospital Management.
0504451Quality Management in Healthcare(3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: None.
This course presents a comprehensive background in health care quality. This includes definitions, dimensions, elements and principles of quality It covers different methodologies and strategies for improving quality and performance in health care organizations. The course also presents the recent trends for quality improvement processes in health care. Prerequisite: None.
0504452Seminars in Health Services Administration(3-0-0:3)

Prerequisite: None. Co-requisite(s): Orientation to Health Services Organizations (0504453)

Students will independently research a subject related to issues in health services administration, chosen with the agreement of a faculty supervisor selected by the Departmental Chair. The course includes case studies that illustrate problems in the administration and delivery of healthcare in a wide range of differing facilities are presented, analyzed, and discussed. Prerequisite: None.

0504453Orientation to Health Services Organizations(3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: 0504361 – Human Resource Management in Health Organizations.
The course will expose students to factors influencing the health care delivery at health care facilities. It will also orient students to different residency sites. Prerequisite: 0504361 – Human Resource Management in Health Organizations.
0504460Practicum in Health Services Administration(0-0-21:7)
The course examines concepts and techniques useful in planning for the marketing of health care services. It covers areas of market analysis, market segmentation, and service strategy development, pricing strategy, communications, organizational design and evaluation. Consideration is given to not-for-profit, public and for-profit health organizations. Prerequisite: 0504450 – Planning in Health Services.
0504461Marketing in Health Services(3-0-0:3)

Prerequisite: 0504450 – Planning in Health Services

The course examines concepts and techniques useful in planning for the marketing of health care services. It covers areas of market analysis, market segmentation, and service strategy development, pricing strategy, communications, organizational design and evaluation. Consideration is given to not-for-profit, public and for-profit health organizations. Prerequisite:. 0504450 – Planning in Health Services.

0504462Research Project(2-0-0:2)
Prerequisite: 0500450 – Introduction to Research
The student of health services administration completes a graduation project in partial fulfillment of program requirements. Individualized projects designed and completed by the student under faculty supervision at approved clinical sites where student applies theory taught throughout the program. Topics are chosen by the student, but require approval by the faculty supervising the student. Passing the research project is a necessary requirement for obtaining the bachelor degree. Prerequisite: 0500450 – Introduction to Research.
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